Münster in the Morning

Last week I went to Münster for a two day strategic workshop with my department colleagues from work. Münster is just about 1,5 hours from Düsseldorf by car, so not too far away.

When I arrived at the hotel at 9 am in the morning, the sun was just coming up and since I was too early (I always plan for some buffer time in case of traffic jams, etc.) I decided to take a walk around the Hotel area. It is located next to a small lake and the atmosphere was quite serene and philosophical.

I adore such settings, to be the only one at a beautiful spot in nature, so that you can let your mind wander and ponder, so I watched the sun rise and reflect its light on the lake, and then I roamed the small forest for a bit.

Since I naturally took some pictures, I want to share them with you. I tried to capture the atmosphere, but also to bring some artistic aspect into the photos. Let me know what you think.

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